What does writing mean to you?

For me, writing has been with me since childhood. I wanted to write a book when I was seven years old. It was a way of “releasing the pressure”, expressing and letting go of everything that was going on inside me.

What do you want to convey with your writing?

Whether it is about short stories, poetry, diaries, blog posts, articles for various magazines, yoga textbooks – or writing solely for the sake of writing – it has always been there for me, as an important way of expressing ideas, thoughts and emotions.

When and where do you write best?

For me, the writing process has worked out just as well in the basement of my yoga centre, a cottage in the country side or on the porch of a simple hut on an Indian beach. Solitude has always been an important, central aspect of the creative process for me, being able to let my thoughts go – long and deep – that deeper listening is important to me.

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